World Polio Day was on October 24.  Just a month earlier, at the Rotary Action Zone summit in Toronto, Rotary District 7230 was honored as the leading contributor to Rotary’s Polio Eradication Initiative for 2023-24, highlighting the district's unwavering commitment to ending polio worldwide. The observance of the Day in our District was marked by a visit from Mike McGovern, Chair of Rotary’s Polio Plus Committee, who spoke at the Bronxville Library during an event co-hosted by the Bronxville, Scarsdale, and Larchmont Clubs. Charter President of our  Sunshine E-Club,  AG Bina Ahmad, as well as members of the Heritage E-Club, the Yonkers-East Yonkers Club, the Port Chester-Rye Brook Club, and the E-Club of Vision were also in attendance, showing strong district solidarity.
“No child is safe until every child is vaccinated,” McGovern emphasized, as he outlined the urgent steps needed to achieve zero polio cases. District Rotary Foundation Chair PDG Eric Storberg introduced McGovern, who detailed the challenges in Pakistan and Afghanistan, where wild polio cases have risen, and the situation in Gaza, where a recent outbreak of vaccine-derived polio was successfully contained thanks in large part by Rotary’s dedicated volunteers. These brave individuals worked tirelessly, vaccinating children during limited two-hour windows of ceasefire.
McGovern also acknowledged the critical support from partners like the Gates Foundation and the U.S. government, expressing confidence in their continued backing. PDG Mary Shackleton, Major Gifts and Endowment Advisor for the Zone, underscored how contributions to the Rotary Foundation change lives and support global health initiatives.
DGE Garrett Capobianco shared an inspiring story from the recent Zone gathering in Toronto, where he met a classmate Governor from the Yukon. Despite being a polio survivor, the Governor’s unyielding spirit served as a beacon of hope and resilience.
DG Syed Alirahi thanked Mike McGovern and the contributors and pointed out that the Magic of Rotary continues to improve the lives of people around the world. 
Rotary’s spirit of giving was on full display as Shamim Begum, President of the Rotary E-Club of Heritage, and her husband, DGN Maksud Chowdhury, presented a $1,000 check to McGovern as their club’s contribution. Serkan Ceylan, President of the Scarsdale Club, announced a $2,000 pledge from his club. Thanks to the matching support from the Gates Foundation, these donations will be tripled, resulting in a combined contribution of $9,000.
District 7230’s leadership and collective dedication continue to drive Rotary’s mission to eradicate polio, proving that with unity and determination, the goal of a polio-free world is within reach.