Turkey and Syria were struck by a devastating earthquake on 6 February that has killed tens of thousands of people, destroyed thousands of homes and other structures, and left people across the region without shelter in bitterly cold winter weather.

The Rotary world responded to this catastrophe immediately. RI President Jennifer Jones activated our disaster response efforts, communicated with the affected districts, and encouraged governors in those regions to apply for disaster response grants and share information about their relief efforts so that Rotary can amplify the calls for support.

Rotary's project partner ShelterBox has an emergency response team assessing the needs in the region and how it can respond. That team is communicating with Rotary district leaders. Our service partner Habitat for Humanity International is also working on its response. Many Rotary members are asking how they can help. 

Our Sunshine Club has set up a fundraiser that channels donations directly to the Rotary Foundation's Disaster Response Fund.  Donating via this fundraiser ensures that the donations are appropriately utilized, and no fees are deducted from your donation.  Scan the QR code on the right with your phone or click on the link to donate.  Sunshine donation to Rotary Disaster Relief for Turkey & Syria